07 Mar

Going by the general norm, teddy bears are considered a childhood possession, and many people dump their boo bear toy as they grow while some preserve them for a lifetime. Have you ever wondered why certain people are drawn to teddy bears even as they age? Well, if not then you would realize the reason behind that by the end of this webpage. It is for a reason that a giant teddy bear serves as a special toy that can mean the world to someone if he/she is aware of how it is one of the best therapists you have by your side. Here follows the explanations

Never lets you settle with the feeling of aloneness

Every man is a social animal is something that all of us have come across in our primary school Social Science textbooks. Hence, we need to be comforted with a feeling of surrounding that consists of love, affection, and compassion but sometimes one miss on these feelings in some circumstances and ends up into an extremely depressed feeling that leads to all sorts of negative thoughts and hatred for oneself. But if you have a man-sized teddy bear around then there are chances that you won’t end up with such an extreme thought about yourself. 

Keeps You Healthy and Wise

This cute thing is more than a bunch of cotton and fur. Its presence leads you to happy emotional health. The talk with teddy is without any judgments and there won’t be any complaints or demands with this relationship. Although it is a virtual one, it can alleviate emotional health. It is said and proven through research and experiments that if you sleep next to a giant teddy bear that is designed with supreme quality, you get the best sleep. There is a reason why we add this as a necessary addition to their bedrooms. It is because they feel safe and cozy with their furry friend.

In the case of adults, the role taken is much bigger as its presence affects grown-ups at a psychological level.  First of all, it takes your bedding warm and soft. By adding ease to your sense of touch, your body feels relaxed. Second, you can engage yourself in a little daily talking with them, releasing all the burden of your emotions before you close your eyes to sleep. Also, their adorable smile curve adds a positive mindset to you.  All this leads to a deep sleep which further is very helpful to keep you healthy in all spheres, physically, emotionally, and psychologically. 

How to decide on the perfect teddy for yourself?

  • There are a few rules to buying the best one. First of all, you have to decide the right size for yourself. Some people and children do not like very big teddy bear and so you have to understand what kind of hug you do you want. There can be chances that you would like small to medium teddies only. Deciding a size also counts the space around you. You must figure out where would you place it and will it add more aesthetic around you or will it put your mood off with its unnecessary forceful fit disturbing your room’s ambiance.
  • Once the size has been assured. You can decide the color that pleases you the most. Here also, keep in check your room’s vibes. Try to make a coherence.
  • Another important aspect is to always make a careful and wise selection on the furs or material of your teddy bear be it a Life size teddy bear or a 2 ft teddy. The material should be very very soft and fluffy. It should in a moment melt your heart and relax your body. This also includes the design and stitch which should be neat and captivating.

Check out the teddy list on the States most sort after toy store Boobearfactory.com

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